Racial Equality Resources

Briensburg UMC Statement of Inclusiveness
We invite everyone to share fully in the worship services, life, ministry, and leadership of Briensburg United Methodist Church inclusive of age, race, nationality, gender, LGBTQ, theology, politics, and legal status.

Council of Bishops statement on Racism
“For at least the next 30 days, we ask every United Methodist everywhere to join in prayer at 8:46 a.m. and p.m. for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, the time the officer held his knee on George Floyd’s neck. Do this for at least the next 30 days. Pray for all persons of color who suffer at the hands of injustice and oppression. Pray for our church as we take a stand against racism. Imagine the power of a concert of prayer heard around the world.”

Pastor’s Statement Against Racism

Black lives matter, and to the extent they are devalued by racism all lives are diminished.

I stand with my African-American friends and colleagues in ministry in calling for an end to systematic racism and all racial disparities in policing, employment, health care, and every social justice issue.

The Biblical principles of justice expressed in the US Declaration of Independence apply fully to every person of every race without exception: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Platitudes ring hollow against the disproportionate brutality we are constantly witnessing.  We each must work to resist and eradicate the evil and injustice and oppression of racism in whatever forms it takes from our personal lives and from our institutions. We must intentionally live into our national vow in our Pledge of Allegiance: “with liberty and justice for all.”

African Americans are being dehumanized in our society to the point that inequity, brutality, discrimination and even public execution without trial has become acceptable in some circles and commonplace in some communities. God values each and every human life so much that God sent his only son to be our Savior.

Black lives matter, and we stand against racism.

Rev. Bill Lawson
Pastor of Briensburg UMC

A Pastoral Letter to United Methodists of the Southeastern Jurisdiction
Posted by Bishop McAlilly

The Pandemic of Racism
by Bishop McAlilly

Books About Race: A Place to Start
As United Methodists are being urged to take action against the sin of racism, one place to begin is to educate ourselves by reading books from a variety of perspectives.



Inclusive of Race

“We recognize racism as sin.”
(Social Principles: The Social Community)

– Book of Resolutions: A Charter for Racial Justice Policies in an Interdependent Global Community

– What the Church Says: Racism

– The General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) focuses on bringing about full and equal participation of the racial and ethnic constituencies in The United Methodist Church. The commission carries out its work through advocacy of the issues and by reviewing and monitoring the practices of the denomination.